Wednesday, October 26, 2005

So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.

NOTE: This is an archive post recovered from Diary-X using the Way Back Machine and logged here for posterity.

Wow!! I'm on holliday and there's so much to do!! I've got this really bad habit of being an early packer - I pack a week before I need to and then end up raiding my bag/suitcase over the course of the week as I need things to find I'm all unpacked again. Needless to say, it's a bad habit so I'm trying to break it. I go to Auckland in 2 days and I still haven't packed! :D

But there is still so much to do! A habit I picked up from my father is making sure my house (although it's usually just my room) is spotless before I leave so I have spent the day slowly cleaning up and getting other things done; for the record, this is what I have to do:

  • Make 'Fun Stuff' CD
  • Put 'Raise Your Voice' on CD
  • Get my Lost DVDs back off my workmate.
  • Clean shower.
  • Clean toilet.
  • Clean vanity.
  • Clean bathroom floor.
  • Fix the wobbling bathroom fixtures
  • Iron clothes.
  • Empty out spare bank account for LOTRFreak to use
  • Clean room.
  • Wash windows.
  • Clean Ashtrays
  • Vacuum room.
  • Find and recharge rechargeable batteries.
  • Shopping - Rubbish bag stickers, smokes, diet coke, tooth paste, tissues, ham
  • Fill in leave forms so I get paid my anual leave
  • Make Mix CD
  • Change lightbulb in bathroom.
  • Work out budget
  • Send email to Colitis regarding bus arrival in Auckland
  • Organise map of Auckland
  • Find my brother's address.
  • Ask mum to change tapes in VCR while I'm away
  • Make up tape change instructions so mum can change tapes in VCR while I'm away
  • Pack
  • Do Washing.
  • Fix pants.
  • Take up Recycling
  • Take up Rubbish
  • Make Spare Bed
  • Put Diet Coke in fridge
  • Wrap b-day pressies for LOTRFreak
... a long list, and the damn thing just gets longer!!


Chocolate fish point to the person who can tell me the origin of the title.

~ greeny out!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

And off the side of the side road

NOTE: This is an archive post recovered from Diary-X using the Way Back Machine and logged here for posterity.

And oh low,
there she goes
she's headed off into the sunset.
A party thrown
that could not be beat
see chips arrive at five am
She was in for a treat!

A day at the fair
and sunburn to go
the new friends turned up,
they all said "hello".
They met, shook hands and sat down for a chat
laughed a little bit, while she had to pack.

They went off to sleep, dreaming in bed
While she trudged down cuba
boxes heavy as lead.
Goodbye to memories and things long unused
They'll go to use at the charity shop
even if they've taken abuse
And at 5am she collapses in bed
Happy and tranquill
Her duvet was red.

Packing and squeezing her life in a car
what will life will be like, after going so far?
She misses her friends, but knows there will be more
And maybe, who knows?
She might even score!

A Swoop of the harbour, a circle of Porirua and out
The brakes are a little mental
no mechanics about.
and then to the rescue!
A family man!
He provides us with tools, a shady place to stand.
The brake pads are fucked, they needed replacing
Sighing a sigh of relief, there's no room for racing.

5 hours later, sweaty and hot they arrived.
Taupo the destination,
family and all amenities supplied.
A movie was watched, tales were told
a little bit of drawing
many ciggarettes were rolled.

5am was bed time, the lounge was the place
exausted she passed out, her memories erased.
7 hours later, woken up from her sleep
coffee was taken, with lunch supplied too
a phone call from Wellington, a few trips to the loo.
At 3pm, out came a shout:
"Right you guys, we had better go"
They sqeezed back in the car, traffic was slow.

The weather changed a few times, from overcast to wet
another stop in the Tr0n, a shortcut-disaster
And then the moon came up, and the rabbit lost his bet
with the possum about crossing the road
and so did the toad....
They got run over, bless you little animals
but if you're really so stupid as to cross the road without looking both ways you should draw a GREEN BANANA!

Getting hungry, they demanded a treat!
Only to find Auckland petrol stations shit
Eftpos lost
and found again on the bench
over the motorway
and past the big city
crammed in, with 22 years of life in a car.
they needed a bar

But they soldiered on, with so little to go
up over, around and about, and low,
A glorious site, they were finally home!
At last she was there, the road trip was done.