NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.
Question 4: Briefly Comment on what the plots reveal
(b) The plots reveal that the majority of the class passed in the 60-70% margin. There are no outliers. There is a small cluster of marks in the 20% range possibly indicating stoners who don’t turn up to class.
The data shows that one person (on 91%) got up every morning and came into uni for their 9am lecture. They then read their $118.99 textbook from beginning to end, made notes, learnt how to use the statistical mode on their calculator and did the previous exam questions provided in the course CD Rom.
The majority of the class may have slept in on occasion and opted to watch the lectures provided on the CD Rom from the comfort of their swivelly computer chair at home. These people learnt how to use the statistical mode on their calculator and couldn't be bothered doing previous exam questions because they had a life and preferred to go get smashed at Shadows.
The lower half of the class slept in for most of the lectures and so were not aware they could watch the lectures on the provided CD Rom. They do not own a calculator. They instead smoked alot of weed and drank at Shadows. They only turned up to the exam as they were checking for their email for porn and found the reminder sent to them by their lecturer via Cecil.
Recon I could hand that in? :P
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