How to say this? Well this morning while sleeping I heard some loud banging - nothing unusual for this house as the pipes can get pretty loud from time to time. Also we back right on to the train tracks so noise doesn't tend to disturb me much.
This time was different however because after the banging I heard my flatmate yelling "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"
For those who haven't met my flatmate she's lovely. Usually very even tempered and she doesn't swear. Her yelling is really what woke me up. I sat bolt upright in bed and asked "What? ME?!" to which she opened my door and said "no, some bastard's just broken down our door."
So after struggling into my pajamas I ran out to discover this:

He kicked our door down!!
Basically he'd knocked on the door (and woken up Holly who couldn't be bothered answering), then knocked on Holly's window (which made her suspect something), then tried to break down the back door (which somehow we overlooked until about 30 minutes ago), then the front.
Once in the front door, he got about a step in before Holly ran out screaming, then he took off.
Cops were here within 5 minutes, then fingerprint people, then the landlord, then builders and security experts.
We've had phone calls from family, friends and called an alarm company. The security on this place is going to be beefed up something shocking by the end of the week and until then Holly and I will be extremely reluctant to leave it. (Infact both of us are reluctant to leave each other at the moment).
It got us thinking, it's got us moving. We refuse to give in to this asshole. We're not moving, we're going to beef up security and move on. Fuck him. What kind of a wanker invades the home of two women in search of some electronics and DVDs? Obviously if he were going to be violent we'd have known about it by now, and I think Holly gave him such a fright he won't be coming back (we hadn't answered the door at all and yet we were home, there is no guarantee that we answer the door when we're home). Really this is the best thing that could happen, but there's something about a home invasion that shocks to your core.
He was here, he invaded our privacy, our home. He came with the intent of taking our things that we worked hard to have. He wanted to take them from us without earning it. He wanted to do it the easy way.
Fuck him.
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