Monday, February 12, 2001


First flat fight erupted yesterday, unfortunately it involved me, and I am left feeling like shit. Bugger.

Has anyone ever noticed, walking down Lambton Quay, either in the early morning, midday or evening that there are two lanes of foot traffic? It's almost like a road, in fact it even works by 'staying on the left' it's a strange phenomenon. Anyway, have you ever seen this and wondered what it would be like just to walk down the wrong 'lane'? Well, after I pointed this out to D, one of my flatmates, he took great joy in walking down the wrong one singing out 'Anarchy Rules!' Now this is typical D behaviour, so I wasn't weirded out or anything, but seeing all these suits swerve around the madman saying "Anarchy Rules" loudly has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen for a while...

I don't know, maybe you had to be there...

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