Friday, July 28, 2000

How RUDE!!

I know it's cheesy to put a early-90s-sitcom quote as my topic, but it sum's it up quite nicely.

While out today on my "I don't have classes *jump for joy* but I need groceries and the third part of my book series cos I just finished the second although I had to stay up all night to do so" shopping trip I went to Bellamy's Bookshop in Cuba Mall, I wanted the third part, and have found this shop to have a copy or two on previous excursions, in fact, this is where I found the first part, but I digress. Having entered with a pack on my back (as I needed to take in books to exchange to get the one I wanted cheaply and also wanted something to carry my groceries home in), so I followed the signs posted around the place which read "Please leave bags at front counter" and asked the lady behind the counter if I could leave it there, she turned around and said, what I figured out to be (as she had a heavy accent of some European origin) "Put it out the back" now I thought this was odd, so I replied "I'm just going over there" (while pointing about 2 metres away at the Fantasy section) and she said, very angrily and rudely "put it on your back! Can you do that? Put it on your back!" To this I felt like saying "fuck you!" and leaving, but I said, amazingly calmly "OK" looked at the book, decided I wasn't going to spend my money there, even if it was the last copy in Wellington and left.

Facing a dilemma of knowing other second hand bookshops in Cuba Street didn't stock this series, and I really wanted it, I had to use my brain. I knew the only other place that had it was on the other end of Courtenay Place, to which I happily trotted, to find the book $5 cheaper, and with the books I traded I ended up getting it free and $2 cash, the people there treated me nicely, and even though it's out of my way, I will be going there again.

Thursday, July 27, 2000

The News or the Weather?

The return of Newsboy on a new TV2 series (minus his counterpart Havoc) on some snow programme, has stirred up something in me.

As a member of our generation, and being female, (straight female to boot) I find this TV host very attractive, as does many of my female friends, much to the disturbance of many of my male counterparts.

So imagine my surprise when I found out a friend of mine actually KNEW him!! Yes, Newsboy has a real name, and I know it!! Although I know I am not by myself in this, I feel like I am part of a special few.

Seeing his face up there on the small screen bought back memories, of racing out of Tuesday night leadership meetings in Rotorua to race home to see his face, with his counterpart, Havoc, making fun of everything and everyone. I also remember his trip to Rotorua and seeing my friends house on screen for 4, precious frames, and of course I remember the excitement and jealousy in the #rotorua channel on Undernet, as the female members watched a very lucky girl get her breasts signed by him on the Big Day Out special.

Yes, Newsboy is a person for many people to admire. The females, because of his delicate facial bone structure and wonderful voice makes us want to do anything he says. Males, because, well, what male wouldn't want chicks throwing their breasts at them for an autograph?

DISCLAIMER: Although I have categorised all females as to wanting Newsboy, this may not be true, some females may be gay.

DISCLAIMER #2: I am not, nor will I ever be homophobic.

DISCLAIMER #3: I just wanted a disclaimer #3.

Wednesday, July 26, 2000


Wow, thank you to all the people who have encouraged me recently :) it's really appreciated.

Went to Student Job Search today, I'm serious about getting a job, I've also sent out my CV to a bakery in Thorndon, for a sandwich hand position, which I wouldn't mind. I was rather gutted when I found a position for a Christan Youth Leader paying money for the help, which sucks, cos I did it all last year for free!!

I got too much washing to do, I've completely run out of under ware, not a good thing, luckily I have the money to do it, so I shall later in the morning before my nice late Wednesday start :)

If there's anyone in the Wellington region who's good with computer's that'd be a doll and fix me CD Rom for free will you e mail me my CD Rom's buggered itself, which is a bitch cos my father bought Office for me, and I can't install the damn thing!!

My cousin and I were talking and we have come to the conclusion that a New Years in my grandparent's "town" (it's a very small village type place, but popular for New Years) would be ideal for a bunch of rowdy teenagers. There's camping grounds there, and we could have a tent primarily for tools, buckets, alcamahols and stuff. It's such a small town, and would seem boring if it was your first time there, but to someone who's been there often, it'd be a very good spot.... but then again, I wouldn't mind a 3rd year at the Mount..... bugger it!

Monday, July 24, 2000

When Life Gets You Down

Don't you hate it when you're on a huge high, then your life, for no particular reason, just crashes and you feel like you're being sat upon by an elephant, so squashed, that you simply cant move at all.

That's how I feel at the moment, I feel that every avenue open to me is closed, not even suicide is an option, every time I look at that door I see my mother, my best friends, and I know that people love me.

Being a student I have no financial security, and being a student who in her depression has come to the conclusion that she doesn't like her course, gives an even smaller amount of security.

Having just been home, and come to this realisation, I kick myself that I didn't stay for 7th form, (this is where my Dad and my friends can tell me they told me so). If I had stayed that extra year, even if I had changed schools, which I was planning to do anyway, had I stayed, then it would have opened all the opportunities to me that I now wish were open.

Being depressed often makes you meditate on your past and future, and at the moment, I don't see too much ahead. With a massive student loan, and banks eating every cent that they can get off you, what exactly can a person do? We are trapped in a system that makes us rely on small pieces of plastic and metal to let us live, those small things, are our life line. We are not controlled by our own minds, we are controlled by small inanimate objects.

The moral of the rant? Money sucks, and we all need more of it.

No We Don't Need This Life, Not Anymore

Don't be getting ideas from the topic, just had no topic and Birthday by The Stereobus was on and it's a line from the song.

Just to let y'all know, I'm feeling MUCH better now, I stayed up for ages last night and figured a lot of shit out, I might tell you about it one day, but now's not the right time, let's just say, I got taught a VERY valuable lesson recently :)

By my birthday I should be feeling ecstatic, not only 'cos I'll be 18, but also cos I'll, with any luck, be facing a major release, as I said, details maybe later, for now it's between my closest friends and myself :)

Friday, July 21, 2000

The Cleaner Who Stifled Me

The girl who I share my bathroom with and I recently decided to brighten it up because it looked rather....... white. Having made this decision we quickly put up KoRn posters, newspaper clippings, skatie posters, and old pictures from SC Art boards, as well as some plants and stuffed toys on the window sill.

Friday's cleaning day.

I woke up this mor.... er, rather this afternoon to find a pile of posters on the floor and a note from my roommate saying "I don't think the cleaner liked the posters". So, I went to work, putting them back up and leaving a note simply saying "too bad".

There are three cleaners here, 2 of them I know and talk to, rather regularly, I also talk to the receptionists (who gave us blue-tack for free ;P ). Having talked to a receptionist and a cleaner today I have come to the conclusion that there is no rule saying we can't put posters in there, and I know which cleaner did it.....

Not that I can do much....

But, the silliest thing about the whole ordeal is that the bathroom looked almost exactly the same way it did the previous nigh.... er, morning, when I went to bed. The only difference was new towels and a pile of posters on the floor. The shower was dirty, and so was the sink and mirror.

Ah well, If there's one thing I've learnt from this: I'm not particularly fond of the cleaner who stifled me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2000


After a long walk around town I finally found the second book in the series I'm currently reading, it's just as good as the first so far (the first was very good). I was mightily pissed off to find none of the second hand bookshops on Cuba Street had it though, so I had to walk down to the other end of Courtenay Place to finally find it. If it hadn't been there, I would not have been a happy chappy (or lassie, no, that's a dog...)

And a big YAY for Vodafone from me! They've halved their peak-rates until 31 August, I'm on the 89cent flat rate, which means It costs me 44 1/2 cents per minute during peak times YAY

Anyway, best be off, stuph to do of sorts.

Tuesday, July 18, 2000

thoughts and prayers

Few things make you cherish your life like hearing about the misfortunes in other's lives.

That sounds cold, but it's (in many cases) true.

I just got home to find a close friend's parents have split up, and she's devastated, and another friend has found out a friend's parent's were in America and just died in a car accident.

I don't know how I'd react if that was true in my case. If my parents broke up, I'd be shattered and I know many of my friends, who are close to my parents would be too, the same goes if one of my friend's parents died. I'd be sorry for my friend, and in my way, I'd feel their pain, but I'd also feel my own grief due to the fact I always try to get to know my friends parents.... nothing is worse then when your best friend's parents hate you.

On the same note, when I was in Rotorua I found out one of my close mates from Intermediate parent's had broken up too.

And another close friend from High School's father recently died of cancer.

I'm not sure which is worse, death or splitting up. I remember being about 14 when my parents used to argue in the room beside mine, I remember the pain at the thought they were going to break up, turning up my stereo full blast to drown it out and in the end getting on my bike and riding to a friend's house, 3 kilometers away, to stay the night there, simply to get away from it, and warning my brother on the way (he had been out during most of it and we met up on our bikes, me going out, him coming in) of what was happening and it probably being better to stay away for awhile.

I remember the sadness in my friend's and her mother's eyes when I sat there in their living room crying on their dining room table, telling them what had happened. I remember writing to my cousin saying "I'd be surprised if my parents lasted another 6 months together" and I remember laughing when he reminded me of this a year ago.

I recently saw an article in the NZ Herald about the effect that the parents splitting up had on children, it said that of the children surveyed, almost all of them wanted more input on the terms and conditions put on visitations, and which parent they lived with. This is a younger age bracket then that of my friends, but the principle remains the same: no matter what the situation, the children will ALWAYS become hurt in a death, separation or divorce.

It is this kind of thing that makes me mad when I see people getting married or pregnant to someone they barely know. In marriage, yes, some of these "I've known you 3 minutes let's get married" things work, but as a majority, they don't. For those who are pregnant, in my opinion, it is better to have an abortion then let that soul live a life of pain and suffering. Don't get me wrong, I'm not strictly pro-abortion, there are many bad things that I can see about the issue, but I've always taken comfort in something I remember someone once saying to me "If a young child dies, or is aborted, that soul will grow up in the care of God and when their parents go to join them in heaven, they will be re-united." It may sound soppy and very Christian of me, but what do you think is better? A child growing up, never knowing the feeling of love, and repeating the cycle their parents have started or followed themselves, or growing up with someone who abounds with love, created love, IS love?

Another thing that has always bothered me, that kinda could fit into this rant is how adults, especially in my father's side of the family love to skip telling the children. My grandfather, who although I rarely saw, I dearly loved, suffered from cancer, I, however, was never informed of this by my parents, thank God I am a very nosey little girl and read a letter from my parents to my grandmother that mentioned this issue. From what I could gather through talks with my cousins (who were informed) my grandfather was in remission, and in the end died of a heart attack bought on by his reduced strength. I could be wrong, if I am (and I'm talking to my mother here) mum, email me and tell me the truth, I'm old enough to handle it. At the funeral, we were basically told to sit down and shut up, wouldn't it have made a better funeral, for us anyway, to be able to share our thoughts and experiences? We may have been young but, at 3rd form I did understand what death meant and I needed to grieve as well. At the wake, instead of eating the food the adults got, we were put in a small room with a packet of some of the WORST fish & chips you've ever seen (they honestly looked like they'd been hacked to death) and a TV. Looking back, I'm glad of it, because that side of the family, to me both then and now, never really took to heart that children have hearts and feelings as well.

Well this has been a rather long rant, so I guess I'll get going, nice to get that off my chest though

Monday, July 17, 2000

Old Skool Shit

Well, while at home, I figured I should use the much better computer then my own to download and play a large selection of my old skool favourites.

Vanilla Ice, Kriss Kross, New Kids On The Block.....

Very Funny. The Kriss Kross song, 'Jump' inspired my friends and I to embark on as running man contest... very funny. New Kids on the Block can hit some very impossible notes for guys, kinda makes me wonder.... check out 'Step by Step' to see what I mean. And, of course, can ANYONE forget Vanilla Ice, good old Rob Van Winkle, Eminem's Predecessor....

Just got back from a 3 day Youth Group camp for which I was cooking. Very good, many actually enjoyed the food, it's not many camps that people come back for thirds.

Pranks were pulled; boxers hitched up a flag pole, the entire inventory of mattresses from the female dorm moved to the camp director's room....

We'll get our revenge come BOB Camp (happens after skool gets out in December).

Best bit of camp: Sneaking out at 3am with 3 other mates to mission down to the lake for a ciggy, and getting caught by the policeman-speaker.

Worst bit of camp: The bitch caretaker who came in, 5 minutes before we were due to leave to complain about everything, and touch my knives so many times I was ready to deck her.

Tuesday, July 11, 2000

I Did it all for the Cookie

Well, at the moment, I find it hard to chew stuff, mostly because the chewing motion made by my teeth tends to hook into the nail-like piece of metal that has been placed through my lower lip and makes me want to scream.

Yes, I finally got up the balls and got a piercing. Reactions at my house were different, reactions of my friends were strange.

I've had some close mates curious to if it hurt, and to anyone who wants to know, it felt like a pin prick, then it was pretty much over, they didn't numb it, but now it tends to hurt if I sneeze or laugh hard cos the little nail-head type bit gets caught between my gum and my teeth.

I don't think you could get any funnier then my father's reaction.... "so how's your belly button feeling?"

Strange man.

And my mother was treating me as if I scraped my knee... "do you want panadol?.... How you feeling?"

But yes, I do like it, and it hurts as much as you can expect it to when you put a piece of metal thru your lip.

Sunday, July 9, 2000

Home Sweet Home

Well after 7 hours of hell on the bus, with the driver telling me about species of cows... 'and to the right is a Jersey cow, well known for its... blah blah blah'. I think that bus trip is better to be not talked about.

Well I got home, saw my best mate at work, came home, said best friend came over, watched Dawsons Creek and took best friend home. Having had no sleep for well over 24 hours, I thought the pillow would be the next thing I saw....

But no, I got bored.... and hyper.....

So I called a friend, who recently got a flat with some mates in a more shady suburb of Rotorua. Asked if anyone was sober, to my surprise, somebody was, and more to my surprise, it was the friend who's a piss head and used to be the first one wasted. So I bribed him to come pick me up.

I wish I knew the flat had a spa before I left....

So, having stayed up a total of 36 hours, I finally took a 5 hour nap, to wake up, and travel to town. Good Trip that, if you live in Rotorua, go for a walk between Pak and Slave and Pumpkin Planet on Fenton Street.... you will find a trail of Fruit Burst Jelly Beans.... we didn't manage to catch them all in our mouths. On said trip to Pumpkin Planet, I managed to score this little mini pumpkin for 95cents, so now I have a mini jack-o-lantern I also scored a single brussell sprout for 5 cents which I nuked then dared my brother to eat for a dollar..... it was worth it!!

My friends are fascinated with my miniature lighter. So I'm getting them ones when I head back to the capital, they're putting in their orders... ACK! You think they could get 'em in Roto-hole wouldn'tcha?

Well, as of about 3.10 tomorrow I will have a pierced Libret. This is the bit between your lower lip and chin... I've wanted it done for a while, and dammit, I'm gunna do it!!

Well, I'm meeting Miss New Zealand at some thing tonight, should be interesting to say the least. Still not sure WHY I'm going, but it's something to do I guess.

Thursday, July 6, 2000

*Insert something witty here*

Picture this:

greeny, asleep in her single bed, snuggled up into her blue duvet, the green curtains stopping the majority of the 1pm sunlight entering her room. The yellow phillips savvy phone starts ringing on its "Donald" setting, waking greeny up. greeny looks at the caller display to read 'Nana', no 'Home', no 'Nana', ah bugger it, answer the damn thing before the answerphone kicks it. greeny answers in a grogy voice "hello?" "hello darling!" comes the reply of greeny's mother.

I think that my mother thought I was dead. I was close to it, I've been suffering insomnia the last week, having sleeping hours similar to a vampire's. I'm getting to know the boys at CityStop (24 hour store) rather well....

But no, I'm not dead mum, far from it, in fact, I just finished my patchwork pants, and damn bright they are too!

Anyway, only 17 hours, 56 minutes until I leave Wellington to go home :)

Sunday, July 2, 2000

Good good good

The halls are empty, everyone's gone home for the holidays, which sucks, cos I don't go home for another week. So here I am, holed up in my room, bored as a turd that refuses to be flushed, listening to ZM, cos I accidentally put it there instead of ChannelZ and so I think to myself "I need something, that requires minimal physical exertion that costs very little, that'll keep me occupied for a week".

So now you're thinking, well that's impossible, and apart from my free internet (God bless parents buying new computer, bringing the old one to Wellington and the new phenomenon of free internet) I thought it would be... but on a walk of boredom down Cuba Street, I found myself wandering into a second hand bookshop, wandering around, mysteriously finding myself in the Sci-Fi area (I usually go to romance, for some stupid reason) and I found a book I remembered one of my close mates going on and on and on and on and on and.... you get the idea.... about last year.

To sum up that last paragraph: I found a book.

A very good book, as it turns out, for $12 I purchased 500 pages of magic, and reincarnation, and stuff. Daggerspell by Katherine Kerr. First in the series of four. I'm only up to page 183 but it's very good

Also, my friends at the hostel who still remain, have deemed me a computer genius because I have one... I mean, that's just wrong, I know that the "power" button turns it on, and the mouse moves, and is in fact a little assortment of metal and plastic, and not a furry creature that eats cheese (useless fact: mice don't actually eat cheese, and elephants are not scared of them, and pigs do not fly), I also know how to connect to the net, start up applications, and have a basic knowledge of computers that comes with growing up in the "computer age" and having one for the last 5 years... but I do NOT know everything about them, as far as I'm concerned, if it works, it's good, and if it doesn't, beat the thing to death and play hackey with the mouse.

I also found a site that kept me amused for an hour or so virtual drug dealer. Basically, you're a drug dealer and you buy and sell various substances and try to make a tidy profit, and I tell you, if anyone can get more then 19 BILLION dollars in their first 10 tries, beating my personal record tell me about it maybe we can set up a "business". ;P