Thursday, May 31, 2007


NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

OK, so here's the deal: normally right before a test I do everything I can to avoid studying. Often I find myself planning the rest of my degree 'cos at least it's got something to do with school (it makes me feel less guilty I guess). So at 12pm today I have a test, and as normal I'm planning the rest of my degree

Anyway, up to now I thought that with some cunning on my part I'd be able to get out of this place in a year (that's 6 months early). I figured 2 Summer Semesters and BAM! I'm out of here. Every time I'd looked, I've been able to do this.

This time? Notsomuch.

Turns out that the compulsary third year paper I have to do as a geography major has been moved to Second Semester instead of First (when I was planning to do it).

What does this mean?

Well, it means I'm stuck in the hell hole that is Auckland for another six-God-damn months!! It also means that I have to do Summer School AND Second Semester. (I have to do Summer School as if I want to specialise in GIS (and I do) I have to do a course only offered in Summer School).

Fucking stupidity. If I wanted to specialise in physical geography and GIS I'd be fine, no problems, but I'm a human geographer through and through - I understand societies, cities and humans much more then I do waves and rivers and biogeography. If I didn't want to do GIS I'd be fine but the problem is, most of the jobs in geography are GIS based, or at least require understanding of GIS.

So what to do? I could get a Summer job that allows me to do a part-time Summer Semester I guess then do Second Semester as well (I was really hoping to be out of here come Second Semester). I could do Second Semester part-time (but then I have to work in Auckland in an actual job and quite frankly, fuck that). It's not all bad, there are other courses offered in Second Semester I was wanting to do and now I guess I can do them, but I really don't want to do both Summer and Second Semesters I guess.

I guess I'll sort it when I come to it, but I really wish they'd just put 315 into first Semester. Then I'd be happy.

Anyway, guess I should go learn about walking school busses...

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