Wednesday, March 22, 2006


NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

My laptop is successfully connected to the university wireless system!!

I'm loving my new wireless card right now, I can just sit here in the Student Geography Education Services room (or at least I assume that's what SGES stands for) and surf, research, do work... actually I'm thinking I need food right now... might have to go try out the HSB cafe.

Heh, it's like I'm a real student!

I'm still finding it insane that I'm in lectures, and taking notes and doing homework. It's all a bit full-on after being out of the education system for so long but it's nothing I can't handle, and even if for some reason I find myself bogged down there are so many services to help me it's insane (and they're all acronyms so buggered if I can keep them straight!!)

I'm also a class rep for my Geography class (I've only got one this semester - along with Statistics, Media Studies and an English paper). I figured if it's my major I should get into it.

Anyway I've got to watch tomorrows Stats lecture on CD to see if I can get away with wagging tomorrow (it's my only class and it's at 9am, if I understand what's happening then I'm wagging)

They make it so easy to pass - lectures, notes, all provided. Turn up to tutorials and score easy marks. It's ridiculously easy right now (remind me I said that before I'm going into exams will you?)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Shitty Day

NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

Well, my Saturday sucked.

Woke up at 10am by my phone to find out one of my collegues had passed away... could I please come in early?

Well, that's not a request you can easily deny, so up I get, shower, and head down the road to work. Obviously everyone was in a bit of shock. He wasn't young, but it wasn't expected either. Apparently it was a heart attack, with a glass of whisky in one hand and a ciggarette in the other - he'd have appreciated the fact.

So I go in and it's about now that everything that could got wrong, went wrong.

  • Two movies started more then 10 minutes late
  • One movie did not turn into the right scope (so everyone had cone-heads)
  • One movie muted itself
  • I laced up the wrong movie
  • One movie didn't go into the right scope AND the lights didn't go off
  • One projector shat itself and wouldn't go for about 10 minutes. When I finally got it to work the sound shat itself and we canned the session
That's really not a good run for a projectionist on a 14 hour shift. It wasn't made any easier by the sheer number of people coming up and asking 'how I was' I mean, shock was the first thing, but I wasn't overly emotional - I've only known the guy for two months. Mostly I was irritated by all the fuck ups!

So yeah, after my very long day I finally reached home and was walking up the driveway when I spotted a couple of guys I knew drinking on the lawn. They asked if I wanted a beer. After my day a beer was exactly what I wanted.

Four beers later (in quick sucession) I was feeling much better... The morning after not so much.

So yeah, shit Saturday, very shit Saturday.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Hate Mornings

NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

There is only one problem with being back at uni and that is the hours I am now active.

When I was working I was there for a maximum of 40 hours per week and the rest of the time was mine to do whatever I wanted.

Now I've got around 20 hours of lectures and tutorials spread out between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday. Sometimes I have to be here the whole time, sometimes only for a few hours. On top of that there's the 20-ish hours I do at work each week. Then there's the 20 hours of study. Then there's the social life I've got whether I want it or not which is so packed I don't get to see everyone I want to see, and don't even have time to call my mother! (I tend to take the opportunity on the bus or walking home... God bless Cell Phones and 3 dollar 2 hour deals)

And then there's sleeping and eating and showering and cleaning and laundry.

I'm getting exausted and I'm only two weeks in! It's like this constant cycle and half the time I'm rushing around while my mind is saying 'I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing right now!'

Oh, and I finally put aside some time today to spend with my brother (between my 9am lecture and my 4.30pm start at work) and he's over an hour late, little bastard! If I'd have known that I'd have skipped the lecture and slept in.

Ah well, just 3 years of this shit and I'm back out in the world again.... God help me.

Thursday, March 9, 2006


NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

Question 4:
Briefly Comment on what the plots reveal

(b) The plots reveal that the majority of the class passed in the 60-70% margin. There are no outliers. There is a small cluster of marks in the 20% range possibly indicating stoners who don’t turn up to class.

Yeah, I'm bored and as 25% of stats is speculation that is what is currently written as the answer to that question (I don't have enough balls to actually hand it in though). Really this would have been the better answer;

The data shows that one person (on 91%) got up every morning and came into uni for their 9am lecture. They then read their $118.99 textbook from beginning to end, made notes, learnt how to use the statistical mode on their calculator and did the previous exam questions provided in the course CD Rom.

The majority of the class may have slept in on occasion and opted to watch the lectures provided on the CD Rom from the comfort of their swivelly computer chair at home. These people learnt how to use the statistical mode on their calculator and couldn't be bothered doing previous exam questions because they had a life and preferred to go get smashed at Shadows.

The lower half of the class slept in for most of the lectures and so were not aware they could watch the lectures on the provided CD Rom. They do not own a calculator. They instead smoked alot of weed and drank at Shadows. They only turned up to the exam as they were checking for their email for porn and found the reminder sent to them by their lecturer via Cecil.

Recon I could hand that in? :P