Friday, March 10, 2006

Hate Mornings

NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

There is only one problem with being back at uni and that is the hours I am now active.

When I was working I was there for a maximum of 40 hours per week and the rest of the time was mine to do whatever I wanted.

Now I've got around 20 hours of lectures and tutorials spread out between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday. Sometimes I have to be here the whole time, sometimes only for a few hours. On top of that there's the 20-ish hours I do at work each week. Then there's the 20 hours of study. Then there's the social life I've got whether I want it or not which is so packed I don't get to see everyone I want to see, and don't even have time to call my mother! (I tend to take the opportunity on the bus or walking home... God bless Cell Phones and 3 dollar 2 hour deals)

And then there's sleeping and eating and showering and cleaning and laundry.

I'm getting exausted and I'm only two weeks in! It's like this constant cycle and half the time I'm rushing around while my mind is saying 'I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing right now!'

Oh, and I finally put aside some time today to spend with my brother (between my 9am lecture and my 4.30pm start at work) and he's over an hour late, little bastard! If I'd have known that I'd have skipped the lecture and slept in.

Ah well, just 3 years of this shit and I'm back out in the world again.... God help me.

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