Monday, March 12, 2001

I want It, Hug Me Like A Grizzley Bear

10 points for anyone who can tell me the name and the artist that sings the song from which the title was taken.

I was thinking, well, I have been thinking, I have been told in the past that my posts were depressing, so I took action to try and make them happy, the result was boring posts, so here I am, back to my depressing styles.

Is life for enjoying? I think so, so why, I must ask myself do I feel stuck in a rut, doing a course I hate so much words cannot describe, spending my spare time doing nothing much, but at least doing it with friends.

The course, I hate it, the thought of going almost drives me to tears, I'm not interested at all in what they're telling me, and my wings just wish to be free. I want to do something I like, and at this point of my life, I know I won't know exactly what I want for a while yet. My mother's 40-something and has only just worked out what she wants to do.

My free time is spent getting fat, I've got the worst diet ever, I hardly ever eat, and when I do it's either junk food or toasted sandwiches. There's no point going anywhere these days, everything is within 10 steps of me pretty much, there have been a few times where I haven't been out of my flat at all for two days straight.

It's getting to a point where I've just gotta yell out in a big voice "Oi! You! No!" and make myself go out, get a bit of exercise and maybe, just maybe, eat some fruit and vegetables.

I'm constantly tired, I never want to get out of bed, and when I finally do, I just want to go back there an hour or two later.

My life is going nowhere, I'm not enjoying it, I'm not going to kill myself, but I feel it's a time for a change.

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