Thursday, March 22, 2001

You Don't Mean It But It Hurts Like HELL

I'm not sure what is worse:
one: Being in a bad mood.
two: Being asked why you're in a bad mood.
three: Being not sure why you're in a bad mood.

I'm not really a person who talks about things deep and meaningful much in real life, I much prefer to keep things light most of the time, talking about my feelings, or generally talking about me... it's just not right.

I think somehow I was influenced by a book I read long ago, during my time with no friends, you have probably heard about it. 'How To Win Friends and Influence People' I only actually remember two things from this book:
one: The sweetest sound in the world to anyone, is the sound of their own name.
two: People like talking about themselves.
So, I tend to talk to people about themselves, and am quite self concious of talking about myself, the exception being if I've done a good job of something, I tell everyone.

And I don't talk about my moods. Not because I don't want to, but I can't. I've trained myself not to.

As for not knowing why I'm in a bad mood... I have a few ideas..

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