Saturday, October 14, 2000

Someone told me to post this

In my bathroom we have put up posters, a few soft toys and plants. On our window sill we have a soft toy Tigger, and a soft toy Pooh (as well as cactus's and plants). The windowsill is located directly above our toilet.

So anyway...

One day this week it was particularly windy, and one of us (most likely me) left the window right open. So the wind was tearing into the bathroom, making a general mess of things. I walked in to find posters on the floor, a soft toy Pooh on the floor and no sign of my soft toy Tigger.

I feared the worst and my it was confirmed.

I looked in the toilet to find, low and behold, my poor Tigger was looking up from the toilet bowl as if to say "help me! help me!"

So I rescued the poor fulla, he's back sitting on the 'sill, I'm wondering whether to soak him in something, unfortunately my student budget is stretched as it is...

He doesn't stink..... yet

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