Sunday, April 8, 2001

Warning: Hannibal spoilers Within

Well, I've seen a preview of Hannibal (yes, I do realise it doesn't come out 'til Thursday). I must say, Julianne Moore makes a terrible Claris Starling.

Anthony Hopkins' portrayl of Hannibal however, was brilliant, better then Silence of The Lambs in my opinion. His timing, his stance, the way he spoke, it was all art.

The make up effects were spectacular, even if they at some points had the entire audience gagging.

The plot doesn't follow what I have heard the one of the book is, well, at least the ending is different, Hannibal and Claris do not become lovers, and she does not become a cannibal. Thank God, it was bad enough watching a guy eat his own brain (yep, eat his own brain), I don't think I could have stomached watching Claris eat it as well. I barely stomached the rest of it.

I won't give away the entire plot, I'm sure it wouldn't take too much searching the net to find it out, but The Making of Hannibal completely overlooks the importance of a role that isn't even mentioned, and yes, for those who have read the book, there are pigs, they are huge, and it is gruesome.

This movie isn't for the faint of heart (or stomach) and it is definately R18 for a reason, but Anthony Hopkins' portrayl makes it worth seeing.

I missed Jodie Foster :-(

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