Friday, February 2, 2001

hi ho, hi ho....

Well, tonight is officially my last night in Rotorua for a very long time. So a big Adios to everyone I've seen or met while I've been up here, it's been great meeting you all, but to be honest, this place is a hole, and I have a much better flat in Wellington to call home now.

I have a flat in Cuba Street, and it's just come to my attention that I haven't bragged about it yet.. It's 6 bedrooms, in an old hotel, above a pub, $500 a week between 5 of us, but best of all, the power's FREE!! :-)

So it is there I am destined to tomorrow, to be in the same room with all my flatmates (bear in mind, that although I have seen them all within the last month, we haven't all been in the same room, at the same time for over a year now), to be the only girl in the flat, and to promptly leave to grab dinner downstairs at my favourite Kebab store, have dinner on the waterfront and wander to Mt Vic to visit my grandmother and my aunt. Should be good!! :-)

My mother and I have spent the day working out last minute bits and pieces, I'm contributing quite a lot to the flat (the most valuable items being the Dishwasher, and the beanbag which we sewed up tonight to find the beans were more chips-cum-squashed-packers.) But generally, I can't wait to be in Wellington again, and she can't wait to have me out of her cupboards!!

But mother wanted me to bring something to your attention, and although a little bit has been chopped off in the scan, it's a wee thing that used to hang in my History Room during 5th Form. Take A Look :-)

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