Tuesday, September 26, 2000

frozen greeny popsicles

While having what was supposed to be a long, relaxing shower tonight, with my Portishead CD up really loud I (amazingly) heard my Cell Phone going off, I raced out of the shower, spilling water everywhere, grabbed it, turned down my CD player, to find DebXena on the other end.

This chick is COOL!!

Here I was thinking I was the only yellow nut on the face of the planet, to find, I'm not, the girl even has the car to go with it!!

Met up with some mates on Sunday (while I was with Deb) from Rotorua who I hadn't seen in YONKS, it totally psyched me out and I was on a buzz for pretty much the whole day!!

I've had two absolutely delicious home cooked meals in the last two days, one courtesy Deb's Aunty, and one courtesy my grandmother.

On a note to my last column: I've decided not to go throwing it away, it is better to wait, and I'm glad I put it up to everyone to think about/ comment on before I arguably made one of the worst mistakes of my life.

So I'm a pretty happy girl at the mo :) only thing pulling me down is the impending assessments I have to face tomorrow.... wish me luck!!

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