Tuesday, August 8, 2000

Life, (and other things, infact, mostly other things)

I've taken a day off today, as far as I'm concerned a day off would be good for me. On my day off, I got up, still at the normal time, but enjoyed my breakfast instead of shovelling down my throat. Had a relaxing cigarette, instead of a crappily rolled one as I hurry down Cuba St. I walked back to my room, instead of hastily dashing back up because I forgot something. I've even done some homework, which is something I don't do on my official time off. I've found the next book in the series I'm reading, at a good price, the only problem being I have no money, but still, it means I can buy it when I do, I've settled on my cheeses for the cheese board I'm supposed to design after a trip to New World, and I feel more educated after 2 hours of wondering Te Papa, and relaxed after walking in the Wellington wind on the waterfront... and it's only 12:57pm!! What will the rest of the day have in store for me??

On another topic, last night at dinner a few of my friends organised a petition for better food, raising and outlining our concerns, which they have since presented to the cooks, we're also getting a new cook as of Monday, should be interesting, maybe he has a few more ideas then the last one that served Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Mince, Chicken, Macaroni Cheese and Fish Patties in a rotating cycle...

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