Monday, May 29, 2006

Bored at Uni

NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

As per the title of this post - I'm bored, and I'm at uni.

I should be studying, or doing my english assignment but the fact is I've got an appointment with the bank to get a really big loan in half an hour, so there's not much point in starting. I'll get an hour or so in after the appointment, before my lame-ass geography role-play assessment.

I'll get to spend my evening tonight doing what the next couple of weeks are going to be dedicated to; study. I've got to build myself a regular sleeping pattern, eat well, drink lots of water and study. Lots of study. It's starting tonight. My first exam is for geo, which is good because while I study for the exam I am simultaniously studying for the test I have on Thursday that I am completely unprepared for.

Moral of the story? If you want to see me over the next 3 weeks - too bad, I ain't avaliable.

One week of lectures left. My stats lectures (which I never went to anyway) are over. Had my last english one today. Now I get to concentrate on finishing the big-ass english assignment I've got due on Friday (not that bad, most of it's done... just typing, editing, printing and binding to worry about there. Should be able to get it out of the way in a couple of hours). Then media, which I'll have to go to this week as the lectures tell us handy things about the all-important exams. Media is also the only course that still has it's tutorials running. Bastards. I have to go to that, again important exam stuff plus I'll get 5% of my final grade just by turning up to the tutorial - be silly not to really. And geo... stupid course started out really good and now is about as interesting as watching paint dry. That's right - they've actually made a course about Natural Hazards (volcanoes, tsunami etc) boring. Mostly because they've moved away from the volcanoes and tsunamis onto drought, and how natural hazards impact people. The crazy thing is everything covered in the 6 lectures about people could be condensed into half that.

I watched the end of Season 2 of Lost. It's good. Fucked up, but good. They gave us alot more answers then questions, which makes a very nice change!!

Anyway I'm going to scoot, I've got to get over to the other side of uni for my appointment with the bank. Oh joy.

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