Wednesday, May 3, 2006


NOTE: This is an archive post from LiveJournal which has been logged here for posterity.

Well, uni today is shaping up to be rather good (hurrah!) I've got two of my assignments back and I'm still not failing! (Double hurrah!)

Media Studies (also known as the stupidest, most irrelevent, difficult course ever to exist) had me worried. I'd needed to 'closely analyse' a text. Most specifically the new Mitre 10 ad (a guy loses his job, his dog, his wife, most of his possessions - he discovers Mitre10 and suddenly his life is good again). So I went to the old standby that I use for this stuff. I made it all up and spoke alot of bull. Amazingly it worked and I got a B+ - hurrah! (yes, there are a lot of 'hurrahs' in this update). Looking through the markers comments it was pretty obvious the marker hadn't been convinced by any of my ideas and I'd left alot of gaps, but I'm not complaining with the grade!

Geography (my major for people who don't already know) came back as well - 95%. Second assignment is officially better then the first (for which I got 90%). I'm very happy, and understand where I lost out on my marks. Interestingly I proved to myself last night that I am definately studying the right thing - at about midnight Epsom was hit with the downpour from hell and what is my reaction? To run outside in my PJ's, with my camera (tho it was too wet to actually use it), a plastic cup and stopwatch to do some experiments to find out how MUCH rain was coming down (average estimate of 6cm/hour according to my observation) The NZ Herald doesn't give a comparible estimate, but it sure was fun running around in the rain in my (very wet) pajamas... I just wanted to go bang on everyone's doors so they'd come out and play with me!

Anyway, really this post is me putting off studying for my Geo test in just over an hour... so I should really go do that!!

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