Thursday, July 6, 2000

*Insert something witty here*

Picture this:

greeny, asleep in her single bed, snuggled up into her blue duvet, the green curtains stopping the majority of the 1pm sunlight entering her room. The yellow phillips savvy phone starts ringing on its "Donald" setting, waking greeny up. greeny looks at the caller display to read 'Nana', no 'Home', no 'Nana', ah bugger it, answer the damn thing before the answerphone kicks it. greeny answers in a grogy voice "hello?" "hello darling!" comes the reply of greeny's mother.

I think that my mother thought I was dead. I was close to it, I've been suffering insomnia the last week, having sleeping hours similar to a vampire's. I'm getting to know the boys at CityStop (24 hour store) rather well....

But no, I'm not dead mum, far from it, in fact, I just finished my patchwork pants, and damn bright they are too!

Anyway, only 17 hours, 56 minutes until I leave Wellington to go home :)

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