Monday, July 17, 2000

Old Skool Shit

Well, while at home, I figured I should use the much better computer then my own to download and play a large selection of my old skool favourites.

Vanilla Ice, Kriss Kross, New Kids On The Block.....

Very Funny. The Kriss Kross song, 'Jump' inspired my friends and I to embark on as running man contest... very funny. New Kids on the Block can hit some very impossible notes for guys, kinda makes me wonder.... check out 'Step by Step' to see what I mean. And, of course, can ANYONE forget Vanilla Ice, good old Rob Van Winkle, Eminem's Predecessor....

Just got back from a 3 day Youth Group camp for which I was cooking. Very good, many actually enjoyed the food, it's not many camps that people come back for thirds.

Pranks were pulled; boxers hitched up a flag pole, the entire inventory of mattresses from the female dorm moved to the camp director's room....

We'll get our revenge come BOB Camp (happens after skool gets out in December).

Best bit of camp: Sneaking out at 3am with 3 other mates to mission down to the lake for a ciggy, and getting caught by the policeman-speaker.

Worst bit of camp: The bitch caretaker who came in, 5 minutes before we were due to leave to complain about everything, and touch my knives so many times I was ready to deck her.

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