Sunday, July 2, 2000

Good good good

The halls are empty, everyone's gone home for the holidays, which sucks, cos I don't go home for another week. So here I am, holed up in my room, bored as a turd that refuses to be flushed, listening to ZM, cos I accidentally put it there instead of ChannelZ and so I think to myself "I need something, that requires minimal physical exertion that costs very little, that'll keep me occupied for a week".

So now you're thinking, well that's impossible, and apart from my free internet (God bless parents buying new computer, bringing the old one to Wellington and the new phenomenon of free internet) I thought it would be... but on a walk of boredom down Cuba Street, I found myself wandering into a second hand bookshop, wandering around, mysteriously finding myself in the Sci-Fi area (I usually go to romance, for some stupid reason) and I found a book I remembered one of my close mates going on and on and on and on and on and.... you get the idea.... about last year.

To sum up that last paragraph: I found a book.

A very good book, as it turns out, for $12 I purchased 500 pages of magic, and reincarnation, and stuff. Daggerspell by Katherine Kerr. First in the series of four. I'm only up to page 183 but it's very good

Also, my friends at the hostel who still remain, have deemed me a computer genius because I have one... I mean, that's just wrong, I know that the "power" button turns it on, and the mouse moves, and is in fact a little assortment of metal and plastic, and not a furry creature that eats cheese (useless fact: mice don't actually eat cheese, and elephants are not scared of them, and pigs do not fly), I also know how to connect to the net, start up applications, and have a basic knowledge of computers that comes with growing up in the "computer age" and having one for the last 5 years... but I do NOT know everything about them, as far as I'm concerned, if it works, it's good, and if it doesn't, beat the thing to death and play hackey with the mouse.

I also found a site that kept me amused for an hour or so virtual drug dealer. Basically, you're a drug dealer and you buy and sell various substances and try to make a tidy profit, and I tell you, if anyone can get more then 19 BILLION dollars in their first 10 tries, beating my personal record tell me about it maybe we can set up a "business". ;P

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